Private Idaho – B’52s

The B’52s are just awesome. So much fun but so, so much hiding below the surface of this Pop juggernaut. You’re probably familiar with ‘Love Shack’ or even ‘Rock Lobster’ but take the time to dig a little deeper and…

Harry Styles – The Chain (Fleetwood Mac)

Hunky, former One Direction dreamboat, Harry Edward Styles is certainly proving there’s life after being in the world’s biggest Pop group. With the release of his debut solo album, along with his Australian Tour selling out in MINUTES, we’re now…

The Coral – Dreaming of You

The Coral were the band that deserved to be bigger than they were in the early 2000s. While The Strokes & Kings of Leon dominated airwaves, The Coral’s mix of 60s beat grooves, Surf pop harmonies and quirky, laddish charm planted…

Funky Town – Lipps Inc.

This week was my Birthday. I’ve had lots of them by now. I’m feeling old. I’m feeling old but I was spoiled rotten by my partner this week and now I’m gonna get drunk all weekend. But I am feeling…

Amy Winehouse – Tears Dry on their Own

This weekend marks the 6 year anniversary of the passing of Amy Winehouse. She joined the infamous ’27 Club’ thanks to a life spent over indulging in booze and drugs but left behind a legacy of beautiful, brilliant music to…

The Cardigans – Lovefool

The 90s was a heck of a time. Sports were great, movies were great and music was really great. This banger from Swedish gang, The Cardigans brings those last two fields together beautifully. Featured on the soundtrack to Baz Luhrmann’s…

The Lemon Twigs – I Wanna Prove to You

I was just remarking recently how this year has brought a couple of exciting, new bands into my life and how thrilling it’s been for me. The Lemon Twigs are one of those bands. Best described as products of their…

Harry Styles – Sign of the Times

Harry, as you probably known was one fifth of pop behemoth, One Direction. Now, he’s an actor, singer, fashion icon, celebrity at large in his own right. His debut solo single has hit the top of the charts in 84 countries…

Liability – Lorde

Kiwi songstress extraordinaire, Lorde finally returns with a new single… and it’s BRILLIANT! Just in time for International Women’s Week, too! Hope all you ladies have had some love thrown your way and long into the future… Have a good…

M.I.A. – P.O.W.A.

M.I.A. is one of the great artists of our generation. She pulls together a wide range of genres & styles to create something entirely original that innovates while giving a clear nod to her cultural history. She’s so rad.