Have you ever dreamed of living in a castle? Well this fortified stone tower on the top of a mountain is about as close as you’re going to get. Today we’re exploring The Keep in Tasmania’s North East and it’s unlike any other I’ve ever seen. Perched upon a 650 metre rocky pinnacle this three storey house turned luxury accommodation has to be seen to be believed.
The word ‘Keep’ means to hold or protect and traditionally Keeps were built as a type of fortified tower by European nobility. They were built within castles during the Middle Ages and used as a refuge or last resort should the rest of the castle fall to enemies. This building does not claim that history but it was its inspiration, it was built in the mid 2000s and in recent years has opened as luxury accommodation. Designed by Jo Woodbury, the keep has been designed to withstand cyclonic winds which are common in the area and features a strikingly minimalist design that sits boldly in its environment.

The interiors were recently updated by Belle Hemming Bright, who focused on introducing colour, darker, heritage notes that amplify a moody interior. The bedroom is probably my favourite level for the way it commits to colour and texture and really invites a cosy heritage feeling. Tasmanian craftspeople and designers created bespoke items for the home such as the dining table from Distinctive Timbers Tasmania, the Tasmanian Blackwood Liquor Cabinet from Simon Ancher Studio and extensive stonemasonry from Bill Henderson.

The new owners Jono and Sue Stagg fell in love with the property upon first sight. “As we drove up the long and winding driveway we were unsure were even on the right road but as we ascended to the top, The Keep appeared before us with a backdrop which quite literally took our breath away and brought tears to our eyes. It was then that we knew The Keep was something truly unique and was destined to be part of our journey.” Sue Stagg, Owner of The Keep

The experience of The Keep from the moment you begin the long drive towards to the top of the pinnacle is truly unique. It is both strikingly beautiful and brutal all at once. If you’ve dreamed of living in a castle, this might be as close as you get… even if just for a weekend.

The Keep
Architect: Jo Woodbury @woodburycodesign
Interior designer: Belle Hemming Bright @bellebrightproject
Photography and Videography: Jonno Rodd for Hunting for George
Location: Goulds Country, Tasmania / Lutruwita