New Hunting for George ‘Home Life’ Collection has Arrived

Grab yourself a cuppa, sit down and get your scrolling finger ready…  ‘cos it’s launch day! We’re so excited to share our latest collection, ‘Home Life‘ with you all. We took this breathtaking studio apartment and filled it top to bottom with…

See ya later 2017!

Well, that happened quickly. Where on earth did the last year go!? At the end of each year we like to reflect on our achievements: the highs, the lows and everything in between. It’s been another bumper year for Hunting for George and…

Gift Guide | For Youngsters

Kids these days… let’s face it, they’re way cooler than us. Don’t let Santa take all the credit this Christmas, be their hero and gift well. We’ve got all the gifts you wish you’d thought of yourself. The presents that will…

MAN DAY 2017 | Wrap Up

Most men will tell you they hate shopping (as they drag their feet through the shopping centre next to you). The struggle is unbelievably real when they’re not shopping for manly things like power tools at Bunnings. But it doesn’t have to…

Gift Guide | For Him

Buying gifts for the men in your life can be tough, real tough. Because, let’s face it, we’re not mind readers. Often when asked, you are met with sighs, grunts or ‘socks’. Luckily, Hunting for George are experts when it comes…

House Keeping | Why You Need Eva Solo Cookware In Your Kitchen

We’re all adults here, right? Gone are the days when plastic utensils were your weapon of choice and a cheap and cheerful meal in the microwave was your signature dish. Those days are well and truly gone… Well, at least…

FREE Pidapipó Gelato Instore! Saturday 9 December

Want the inside scoop gelato lovers? We’ve got FREE GELATO to give you (Yup, definitely worthy of caps lock if you ask us)! Visit our Experience Store at Highpoint Shopping Centre this Saturday between 12-2pm for a sweet, sweet scoop…

Gift Guide | For Her

Are you freaking out about what to buy for her? First of all, take a deep breath. Good. Now follow us. Whether your shopping for your mum, mother-in-law, sister, wife, girlfriend or friend, we’ve taken a stand against bad gifts by putting together…

Memobottle | Meet the Maker

Did you know that 75 billion gallons of bottled water are consumed globally each year? Or that it takes 450 years for those bottles to completely degrade? Sorry to get off on the wrong foot, but those right there are some…

Oasis – Some Might Say

Right, I know there’s probably already 5 plus Oasis songs in the Friday Beats back catalogue already but this week it’s with good reason. A straight up plug. Liam G released his debut solo album last month and it’s great. Today,…