Struggling with a high plant mortality rate? Trying to come to grips with the fact that you may have the heavy hands of a serial plant killer? Don’t worry there’s still time to turn your hands into the Midas Touch. Here’s the Top 3 Mistakes people make and how to stop them:
Mistake #1 Kill them with kindness
Pull yourself together people, they might be adorable indoor plants but they need their space too. Jeez. How would you feel if your loved one kept pouring water over you every second day. Chill out and only water your plants when necessary. How do you know when your plants need water? Place your finger into the soil 1-2cm deep, if it’s wet or damp = no water. If it’s dry = water.
Mistake #2 Forget about the leaves
Plants with large leaves/fronds cover quite a bit of surface area. Think about it, your indoor plants will gather dust on their leaves the same way your furniture does. If you don’t clean and wipe off the dust particles, your plant will struggle to breath (and no-one likes being suffocated). Using a damp cloth, gently wipe down your leaves with luke warm or cold water. Try to do this once a month or when necessary.
Mistake #3 Being too optimistic
If you see a brown/yellow/dead frond, cut it off! It ain’t coming back and there’s no point trying to save it. Get rid of one for the sake of the rest (just like when Jack slipped off the floating door to save Rose from drowning – actually bad example, that was bullsh*t. It’s more like when Jon Snow’s uncle threw himself to the white walkers for the greater good… anyway, I think you get where I’m going with this.) If it’s dying = let it go. If you spot a brown end on a leaf (that does not affect the entire leaf) then cut off the brown area with scissors. There’s no need to cut the entire leaf off if only part of the leaf is brown. Brown = bye. Green = stay.
These are the Top 3 most common mistakes people make when caring for plants and if you follow these ‘how not to’ rules you’ll be on track for success. However if you still struggle, try moving your plant into a different area of your home as it may just not like where it’s living. Perhaps it’s not getting enough sunlight, perhaps it’s getting too much… plants are fickle I’m afraid and every one is different.
If you want to spoil them, give them some liquid fertilizer every 2-3 months in the Spring/Summer period and follow the instructions on the pack.
Last resort? Perhaps your plant has outgrown it’s home? Repot your plants into bigger pots if required in Spring/Summer.

To get you inspired check out our Garden & Outdoor section. Our favourite plant homes are our new Buddy pots, suitable for both indoor and outdoor purposes. If you’re in need of more plants then head along to our Experience Store where you can purchase your favourite indoor plants – cos life is better when you’re living green. Peace out and good luck!!

I know this is an old post, but I absolutely love the wall color here. Do you know what color and or where it came from?