7 Care Tips For Indoor Plants, Beyond Just Watering Them

Indoor plants can be finicky things – either too hot or too cold. Too damp, or gasping for water. And don’t get us started on direct sunlight versus indirect sunlight versus shaded areas. There’s more to plant parenthood than meets…

How To Choose The Right Pot & Plant Combo with Mr Fancy Plants

The humble indoor plant, a hero in homes right around the globe. Self-confessed green thumbs have been adding a plethora of plant babies to their homes for years now. Most people tend to think indoor plants are like pieces of…

A Pavilion Between Trees | Branch Studio Architects

An existing 90’s dwelling in need of a master suite is the unique brief that inspired Branch Studio Architects to create ‘A Pavilion Between Trees’. In erecting the new structure, they have not only preserved the existing trees but have used…