‘Work + Play’ Beats by Orbitkey

For this week’s Friday Beats we’re featuring the Work + Play playlist by Orbitkey. Founded by Charles Ng and Rex Kuo, Orbitkey aims to make carrying keys enjoyable through simple and elegant designs. And guess what? All of it started…

‘Summer Salts’ Beats by Beck Rocchi

Fri-yay! For this week’s Friday Beats we’re featuring the playlist of the ever-lovely photographer, Beck Rocchi. More than your standard snapper, Beck has some mad camera skills up her sleeve. Her trademark effervescent energy and her love for photography allow…

‘Hot, Hot, Heat’ Beats by Ren Pidgeon

Aaah the weekend! Well not quite but we’ve got that fun Friday feel. This Friday’s laid-back playlist is from Melbourne-based photographer, Ren Pidgeon. We’ve had the pleasure of working with Ren a few times, together we created our iconic Loft…